Tuesday 26 January 2016

Privacy breach?

With the introduction of Windows 10's Cortana, premsumably in reply to Microsoft's opponent, Apple and Siri, eyebrows were raised and people were interested.

Cortana is also a well known figure in the Halo series, now developed by 343 industries and published by Microsoft studios. Cortana is an Artificial Intelligence which helps the Master Chief through his missions.

Although Cortana is an impressive innovation, we have recently learned that Cortana will remind us of promises made in e-mail's. Is this a breach of our privacy as users of the Windows 10 Operating System? This is a very debatable subject. In some way it could be could be useful as to not forgetting someone's birthday, I guess? But it does tend to make me personally feel a little vulnerable, to breach of private or confidential files. Because essentially it is "reading" through your personal e-mail, looking for keywords like "promise" and "I will".

Preview of reminder from Cortana
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Full article by Jared Newman at :

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