Tuesday 2 February 2016

Gaming on a budget

The struggle is real. Gamers are gamers because they game, and love to game. But what happens when a gamer simply cannot keep up with the prices of the newer hardware, required to play high end games like: The Witcher 3? They pirate...

Somehow we need to compensate for these gamers who cannot afford to buy a
Nvidia GTX TITAN X. By building a budget PC we do not necessary recommend running games like The Witcher 3 on ultra graphics with a 4K resolution. But more like, being able to run the game at at least 30 FPS (frames per second) on a low to medium game setting.

Here is a build up budget gaming PC's specs to strongly consider. Links to all the products will be linked on the specifications. (Prices may vary, depending on the economy)

CPU: Intel core i3 - 6100 (6th generation)                                           $125
Motherboard: AsRock Z170M Pro4S                                                   $100
Memory: Kingston HyperX Fury DDR4 2666 (8GB)                          $  60
Graphics card: AMD Radeon R9 380 4GB                                          $195
Power supply: EVGA 500W 80PLUS Certified ATX12V/EPS12V    $  40
Primary storage: Crucial BX100 250GB (SSD)                                   $  80
Secondary storage: Western Digital Blue HDD (1TB)                         $  52
CPU cooler: Arctic Alpine 11 Pro Rev. 2                                             $  15
Case: Cooler Master N200                                                                    $  50

This comes to a total of: $717   

For more info and variations of the build, go to the original source: PCWORLD

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