Tuesday 2 February 2016

10 Ways to improve your Relationship

Have you ever felt like your relationship is reaching a low point quite often? Here are 10 things to keep in mind when going into a relationship to make it a successful and loving relationship.

10) Solidify your friendship.
This is a very important thing to do, if you know a person well enough to be good friends, you probably know them well enough to be in a relationship, however if you cannot be friends with a person, how can you expect to have a relationship with that person?

9) Appreciate each other.
If you do not often tell, or show your loved one the you in fact do appreciate what they do, and mean to you, it often ends up with one half of the party feeling unneeded and sometimes even unwanted, or in the way.

8) Concentrate on the present to ensure the future.
Do not worry about what might and what might not happen, focus on each other now, and the future will come, and when it does, still focus on the present, because then the future is now ;)

7) Don't distort.
Do not think negatively about your sibling other. If he/she has done something that might bother you, try and find a more neutral explanation for his/her actions.

6) Share power.
One party must not rule the relationship, making all the decisions and doing everything that needs to be done. Both parties should have equal say in the situation at hand.

5) Find common goals.
Find something you can both work for, together. It often brings two people much closer when they find themselves fighting for the same cause.

4) Understand anger.
It is only natural for two people to occasionally get mad at each other. Try and understand why he/she is mad at you, or whoever it may be. Afterwards, when the air is cleared, you'll find that even though minor things happen that angers one, you still love each other and want to be together, and nothing that just happened really mattered.

3) Break negative cycles.
When things get heated, do not withdraw from the conflict. Agree that both of you are mad and the problem needs to be sorted out, then return, only discussing it when both parties have cooled off.

2) Focus on what's fixable.
As long as an argument doesn't leave you feeling like you have been on emotional roller coaster, consider it fixable. Sit down with a problem and construct a plan of action to fix the problem.

1) Accept the unsolvable.
Unfortunately most of the problem we have in relationships are unsolvable, meaning they tend to resurface from time to time. Accept these problems for what they are, and try to figure something out.

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