Tuesday 2 February 2016

How to: Hide your followers and the people you are following on Twitter

When you create a twitter account anyone using the social media can view your profile, who you follow, who is following you, what you have tweeted and the tweets you have liked.

The only way to hide these things is to make your account protected, which will hide most of the other sections on your profile at the same time.

You can't remove the Following and Followers lists from your profile, but you can hide them -- along with most of the other information on your profile -- by protecting your account. When you view a protected profile page, all you can see is the user bio information unless you're an approved follower. Once protected, your profile page is similarly restricted, though any Twitter users you have approved as followers will still be able to access your Following and Followers pages. You can protect your account from the Security and privacy section of the settings page on the Twitter website

One alternative way of hiding which accounts you subscribe to on Twitter is to not follow anyone in the conventional way, that is, by clicking "Follow" on a Twitter profile or button. Instead, create a private list of users through the Lists section of your profile and add selected users to it one by one. You can check for updates by opening the list page, but because it is marked as private no one else will be able to see the user accounts it includes or the tweets from these users. List pages update in the same way as the Twitter timeline, with new tweets appearing at the top of the page.

Twitter: @PeachLitchiBlog
FaceBook: Peachlitchi

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